Perfect timing

We just celebrated my latest grandchild’s first birthday. Like the custom in this country she had her own cake and was allowed to make whatever mess she wanted, but the little princess was cautious and didn’t mess herself up too much.

Sarah enjoying her birthday cake
Sarah enjoying her birthday cake

Sarah Elizabeth is a wonderful gift from God. I got the news about her coming in my hospital bed, right after my surgery due to cancer. It was like a ray of hope that gave me an ever bigger desire to fight for life.

Her arrival was at perfect timing. That’s what I prayed for intensely when she was knit together in her mother’s womb. I was concerned for my daughter since she had over an hours drive to the hospital, her husband was an hour away at work, she had the two older kids in school, and the younger one at home. I prayed she would not start labor in the middle of the day. “Perfect timing” was my daily prayer. The Lord was gracious and the doctor scheduled her arrival for May the 8th, 2008. I was able to be with the family in between my chemo treatments and stay with the older children so Thom and Carina could go together to the hospital in Tulsa for the perfect arrival, at “perfect timing,” of this precious little girl.

In God’s agenda there is always “perfect timing.” We read in Galatians 4:4, that “when the time had fully come,” God sent his Son to be our Redeemer. Not a day early, not a day late, but at perfect timing. And that’s the way it is in every circumstance of our life, when we yield to the Lord and follow his direction.

Sometimes we wish God would “hurry up” and get it done, whatever it is he is planning for our next step. We can get all worked up with excitement, like a child at Christmas or birthdays when she can’t wait to open the presents. As David on Sarah’s birthday party, when he hardly knew what to do with himself until it was time to open presents. He was sure that his “mormor” would have a surprise for him (seems like I can’t make myself not give everyone something at each ones birthday!).

I have heard many testimonies when people say God “came through at the last minute.” There is no “last minute” with God. He knows exactly what is going on, what we need, and WHEN we need it. He keeps us on out toes, waiting. When the answer comes, there is no doubt about whom the giver is, and HE gets all the glory.

Trust the Lord, lean on him, “be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret…” (Psalm 37:7). It’s easier said than done, but it can be done. Whatever is on your mind or in your present situation, take it easy, relax, your times are in God’s hands. Just like Sarah doesn’t have a care in the world because her mom and dad take the very best care for her, you and I don’t have to worry about anything because we have a Heavenly Father who takes perfect care for us. His love is abundant, his care has no comparison, his timing is perfect.

The greatest event is still on the horizon. Soon and very soon our King is coming to take us home. Now, that is a day to look forward to so exciting it’s hard to wait. I get goose bumps just thinking about it! “The Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever” (1 Thess. 4:16,17).

“Encourage each other with these words,” says the apostle Paul. That will be the day of most perfect timing! If this doesn’t excite you, please contact me. Leave a comment with a note on how to get back to you. We need to talk, so I can help you get ready for that day and expect Jesus’ coming with welcoming arms!