Transplanted to Bloom

Even a transplanted plant can flourish and bloom. I have gone through a difficult transplanting period but I’m not ready to give up. I want to bloom in my new environment. I want to be a shining light for Jesus. I want to be a soul-winner. I want my life to count for eternity.

I wrote this at 2:30 am yesterday when I had a hard time going to sleep, thinking too much about the big changes that have occurred in my life and how I want to make the best of my present situation.

“Bloom where you are planted!” I have heard it many times and I have passed it on for encouragement. Now I see myself as being transplanted, uprooted! So I thought in the wee hours of the night that even someone transplanted can bloom. Thus the title of this blog.

The hardest thing at the moment is to adapt myself to my cramped quarters. Moving from a house to a shared room is a big change. A bed, a nightstand and a tiny table, like those they have in the hospital to serve your food while you are in bed, are the furnishings. I have brought my armchair that I use when I write and I have a box with files of information to use for the book I plan to write.

On top of the box I have organized my coloring pencils in plastic cups. All the shades of red in one cup, all the blues in another, all the greens… and so on. That way it’s easy to chose the color I want to use.

The last few days I’ve been coloring pages with the names of God. Cristina is helping me put the photos of the colored pages into images that I can show here. Several of them I have taped to the wall by my bed.

Of course, there is also the closet for my clothes. Things that I don’t have any place to put end up on the bed. At night they are piled on the chair so I can have space to sleep.

I will continue writing tomorrow because I have a very talkative roommate that has interrupted me all evening. I let her talk and show me pictures on Facebook.

My friend Ximena from Bolivia reminded me of how we used to pray that I would get a friend, someone to talk to, because I was so lonely. Now I have my answer.


Author: kelund

My name is Kerstin Anderas-Lundquist. I was born in Sweden to Per & Brita Anderas, on March 6, 1946. In 1948 we left to begin a missionary life in Chile; in 1956 we moved on to Peru. On May 1, 1969 I married an all-Swedish guy from Karslkrona: Bengt Göran Emanuel Lundquist. God blessed us with two daughters: Eva-Marie Elizabeth and Ruth Carina. We served as missionaries in Peru and Bolivia. In 1988 we moved to the United States to work at Life Publishers in Miami, Florida. I was to assist in developing the line of Sunday School Curriculum in Spanish known as Vida Nueva. I am now retired and live in Oklahoma. My husband and daughter Eva-Marie have been promoted to Heaven. Carina and her family live some 15 minutes away. I publish Bible lessons and stories for children in Spanish, for free download. My deepest desire is to spread the “seed of love”–inspiration to serve God and our neighbors with love and compassion. You can find English stories at

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