I’m All Charged Up!

Believe it or not, a couple of days with hundreds of women in the presence of God can charge your batteries. It has mine! I’m back by my computer, listening to inspiring and anointed music by Missionary Marigold Cheshier, our speaker. The word that I took home from the retreat is SUPERNATURAL.

  • God is a supernatural God.
  • God can work supernatural miracles.
  • God did some supernatural miracles at the retreat.

Women were saved
Women were filled with the Holy Spirit
Women were healed
Women raised $3,800 for missions through a purse auction (I bought 2 purses)
Women pledged $85,000 for mission projects in 2013 (the goal is $200,000)

  • I want God to work in a supernatural way in my life.
  • I want to walk in supernatural power.
  • I want to live in supernatural health.
  • I want everything supernatural that God will give me.

There is nothing more powerful for “batteries” that have run low than to be charged up by the power of our SUPERNATURAL God.

The theme was LOVE REVEALED.

1 Corinthians 2:9-10
“No eye has seen,
no ear has heard,
no mind has conceived
what God has prepared for those who love him”–
but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit.

Just that thought can charge you! We cannot even imagine the things God has prepared for us. It’s not something we have to wait for in ages to come. God has revealed it now by his Spirit. It’s all over the Bible. Get a red pen and start discovering and underlining all the awesome things God has revealed to us about himself, about his Son Jesus, about the Holy Spirit, about our walk in holiness and righteousness. The list goes on and on. It’s all there for you to receive.

GOD IS LOVE. Paul wrote to the Galatians that God was pleased to reveal his Son through him (1:15,16). There are treasures to be found every day. God has supernatural power to work in your life, to do supernatural miracles. Let his love flow through you.

Here is an interesting detail. The Assemblies of God women’s retreat that I went to has been going on yearly for the last 42 years. Can you believe that one of the ladies in our group has attended each of these retreats? I’ll leave it to you to guess which one of us! I feel honored to have traveled with her.

The ladies were so gracious and kind in driving me in the car or wheeling me around so I could attend the services and the workshops. Let me tell you, the campsite where we had the retreat was very hilly. When someone gives all her strength to push me up a hill, I appreciate that!

It feels good to be charged up. A clock needs to be wound up to continue working. Any electric appliance has to be plugged in to a power source. Batteries either have to be charged or replaced. Why do we think our body can go on working and working and working and working… No! It needs to be recharged.

I hope you can find some way to get some charging done. Believe it or not, it feels good!

On a side note: I find it interesting that the speaker God used to “charge me up” was Marigold. Marigolds are the flowers God used when speaking to me about the seed of love and the miracles he wants to do in our lives when we sow love.

Here is the link if you haven’t read my testimony:
