Stay Healthy!

It seems like I’m taking one step forward and two steps back. Last night I was so optimistic and wrote my supervisor an email saying I was coming in to the office. Well, that didn’t happen. My coughing spells really took off and drained me completely of energy. I still managed to put in some hours of work (at home).

Lately I haven’t been a very busy writer. The cold of winter and the cold in my chest are to blame. But this morning in my devotional reading I came across something that I have to share. I’m going to tape it in every room of my house, because it’s a great desire I have.  And I wish it for you! I have adapted it from Proverbs 3:8, The Message.

I have  made a PDF sheet with this as a prayer. Print it out and cut it  so you can tape it on the bathroom mirror, put it in your office, tape it on the refrigerator, or keep it in your Bible.

Glow with Health

People will great you and say, “Stay warm!”. Here’s my greeting to you, “Stay healthy!” I sure need it!