The Power of Love

A year ago I was in Peru for Valentine’s Day, and I was doing what I love the most: teaching teachers! I had a Christian Education seminar in Huancayo. Guess what the subject was? Love, of course!

On my way down to Peru I changed flights in Miami. It wasn’t the most favorite activity since I had to be wheeled around, not able to walk the long corridors on my own. Anybody that has been at the Miami International Airport knows about the looooong walks! A pleasant surprise was a display in one of the concourses. I had to ask the attendant pushing my wheel chair to take a break and let me photograph. So, here it is! 


All we need is love. Yes! And God is Love! In Him we have everything we need! That was the core of my teaching. I made red hearts with a mustard seed taped in the middle, as an object lesson about the power in even the smallest act of kindness. I also made hearts with VIP written on them, for everyone to wear as a reminder that everyone is a Very Important Person. Of course, we especially pointed out how important children are.

To add excitement I had a contest. And now I want you to get in on it! Here is a picture of the bottle with mustard seed for the contest. The point was/is to guess how many seed are in the bottle. The bottle is 3.5 inches high and the diameter is 1.5 inches. You will be in the company of my friends from both my Swedish and my Spanish blogs. Email me your guess or leave a comment.

Guess how many mustard seeds!

The winner was Walter, the organizer of the seminar. Of course, people thought we cheated, but it just happened that he guessed the right number. My father had counted the seed and he and I were the only ones that knew the answer. Walter was very happy with the stuffed teddy bear he won!

The proud winner and my Father

Here is my latest “love story”! A friend of mine, a former co-worker that lives in Florida, sent me a Valentine package. She went to IKEA, a Swedish store, and bought some goodies for me. How precious! Her present came right in time for me to share it with my grandkids. I had made some Valentine surprises for them but had no goodies to put in the box I was to send. Why didn’t you just go to Walmart and get some, you probably wonder. I could have, if not for the cold and my cough!

Below is a picture of the cute goody bags I made. Do you see the “K” cookies? Those are just a reminder that their “mormor” Kerstin misses them. You see, in the package from my friend was a box of cookies with the letters of IKEA! 

Swedish goodies packaged with love

No need for “extravagance” to make someone happy. It’s often the little things that mean the most. Here is a picture of my step mother (to the left) and a friend helping me do the mustard seed hearts. This friend, Agripina, lived way across town and had to take a long bus ride to get to my Dad’s house. But she came every day to help out in whatever was needed to make my stay comfortable. She was very concerned about my neuropathy and hurting feet and she fixed some herb concoctions for me to drink. They helped! She assisted in cooking my favorite meals and she washed my clothes. She and her husband used to be the janitor’s at our Bible School.

Mary and Agripina working on the "hearts"

I’m sure you can think of something special you can do to spread love. All we need is love! Even what you might consider “nothing” is “something”! Don’t forget to send me your guess on how many mustard seed are in the bottle. Then do something “little” that for someone else will be “big”. There is great power in love!

I wish I was back in Peru with these VIP's