Leave the Judgment to the Judge

Yesterday I wrote about shoes, today I’ll say a few words about those members of our body that we put in the shoes, if we are fortunate to have them! Because of the devastating earthquake in Haiti many precious people have lost one or both of those limbs. Let’s not take them for granted!

Before, when I saw people dragging their feet, wobbling around, picking up their legs as if they were heavy logs I used to wonder why they did that. Now I know, because I’m doing the same thing. One moment I can pick up my feet and take a step forward without too much trouble, the next moment my feet are like heavy logs that I barely can lift from the floor.

My peripheral neuropathy might never get well, according to my oncologist, but I’m still believing in Dr. Jesus and his miracle working power. I can’t go around walking in the neighborhood but I’m walking around in cyberspace, a whole new and exciting adventure for me. This is Blog #139 since May last year, and counting my Spanish and Swedish web sites the number is 196! To God be the glory!

Wonderful for the feet

A while back I wrote about my MBT shoes that have worked wonders for me. I can walk without putting all the pressure on the soles of my feet. Shoes and feet take up a lot of my thoughts these days. Let me show you a very simple little gizmo I found right before Christmas. It’s wonderful to give the feet massage in the morning and get the circulation going, made by The Happy Company. And it sure has made me happy!

It’s easy to judge, but in passing judgment we forget that we don’t know the details. Maybe even the person we’re “judging” doesn’t know—only God! There is something much better than judgment; it’s called prayer.

Max Lucado, a very prolific wordsmith, says, “We condemn a man for stumbling this morning, but we didn’t see the blows he took yesterday. We judge a woman for the limp in her walk, but cannot see the tack in her shoe. … Dare we judge a book while chapters are yet unwritten? Should we pass a verdict on a painting while the artist still holds the brush? How can you dismiss a soul until God’s work is complete?”

Let me finish today’s scrambled thoughts with a poem sent to me by a friend. She labeled it the BEST POEM IN THE WORLD. The author is unknown.

           I was shocked, confused, bewildered
          As I entered Heaven’s door,
          Not by the beauty of it all,
          Nor the lights or its decor.

          But it was the folks in Heaven
          Who made me sputter and gasp–
          The thieves, the liars, the sinners ,
          The alcoholics and the trash.

          There stood the kid from seventh grade
          Who swiped my lunch money twice.
          Next to him was my old neighbor
          Who never said anything nice.

          Herb, who I always thought
          Was rotting away in hell,
          Was sitting pretty on cloud nine,
          Looking incredibly well.

          I nudged Jesus, “What’s the deal?
          I would love to hear Your take.
          How’d all these sinners get up here?
          God must’ve made a mistake.”

           “And why’s everyone so quiet,
          So somber – give me a clue.”
           “Hush, child,” He said, “they’re all in shock.
          No one thought they’d be seeing you.”

JUDGE NOT. Remember… Just going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car.

Have a happy and productive day! Do like Jesus, leave the judgment to the Judge!

“When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly”
(1 Peter 2:23).

Author: kelund

My name is Kerstin Anderas-Lundquist. I was born in Sweden to Per & Brita Anderas, on March 6, 1946. In 1948 we left to begin a missionary life in Chile; in 1956 we moved on to Peru. On May 1, 1969 I married an all-Swedish guy from Karslkrona: Bengt Göran Emanuel Lundquist. God blessed us with two daughters: Eva-Marie Elizabeth and Ruth Carina. We served as missionaries in Peru and Bolivia. In 1988 we moved to the United States to work at Life Publishers in Miami, Florida. I was to assist in developing the line of Sunday School Curriculum in Spanish known as Vida Nueva. I am now retired and live in Oklahoma. My husband and daughter Eva-Marie have been promoted to Heaven. Carina and her family live some 15 minutes away. I publish Bible lessons and stories for children in Spanish, for free download. My deepest desire is to spread the “seed of love”–inspiration to serve God and our neighbors with love and compassion. You can find English stories at MX1414.wordpress.com.

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