Making Happy Teeth

I got a comment today on a blog I had written in October about making a happy heart. That really made me happy because sometimes I wonder if the effort of my writings is worth it, but the comment confirmed to me that I should keep on writing.

Finally, after almost two months, I got to see my dearest people one earth again. I have been sick this whole long and cold winter and they have not been able to come because their van has been “sick,” to say the least. When you have one setback after another, and you spend more on repairs than you paid for your vehicle, it gets to be old. They are now on their way back after a weekend visit, and the light that shows that something needs fixing in the engine is on again. What can I do? Just keep praying for the van to get “healed”! That’s my way of expressing the need!

When the kids come to visit, they get to take turns sleeping together with me. It takes a little creativity to make sleeping arrangements for 7 extra people, so sharing my queen-size bed with one of them is a very good idea. Brianna, who inspired my blog back in October, had her turn Friday night. Early Saturday morning, the house quiet and the dark still lingering outside, the two of us had a grandma-granddaughter cuddling time. I asked her to tell be about school. And that is when she gave me a very practical lesson.

“Mormor, do you know how to make happy teeth?” she asked me. And this grandmother, hopefully 60 years wiser, didn’t have a clue. “You eat crunchy stuff!” she informed me matter-of-factly. Of course! How come I didn’t think of it? So we went down the list of crunchy things that are good for you and that make your teeth happy: lettuce, carrots, apples, cereal, and so on.

Brianna knows that carrots make teeth happy

Another thing that makes teeth happy is to brush them regularly. My daughter has her kids very well trained in that matter, and they all line up and brush for two minutes. I don’t even brush that long! What a shame!

Sarah, Brianna, Lana, and David brushing away

Every visit with my daughter and her family is an opportunity to make memories. Big brother David got to visit “Mormor’s church.” He usually goes with his parents to the church they attended while living in Springfield, but this time he wanted to go with me. The only other time he has been at “my church” is when we had my husband’s funeral service. This was different and he appreciated it very much, especially because he got a welcome prize. And what I appreciated was that all the children gathered around me to pray for healing in my hands and feet. I can’t wait for the day when I can go there and give a testimony of God’s healing grace!

I might as well say it—his parents went to North Point Church. While we were waiting for the time our service would start David entertained himself by writing a song for me, a song with just two phrases: “I love you” and “You love me”! He just wrote the notes to it and then sang it for me, with a syllable for each note. These are his notes!

Notes to young David's "Love Song"

We don’t need to look far away for happy things and happy moments. Friday night, the parents had a birthday party to attend so I stayed with the kids. I have some coasters with pictures of each of the kids. David was eating his cereal and looking at little Sarah’s coaster. “I just love that look!” he said. And he put it in front of him so he could enjoy her while eating, repeating time and again how he loved her look. No wonder, her eyes say it all!

The girl with the "look" that captivates her brother

I’m sure there is something you can think about this week that will make you happy. How about trying a crunchy salad to make your teeth happy? I’ve wanted to give you the recipe for quite some time.

Chop both green and red cabbage as fine as you want it. Add chopped cilantro or parsley, green onions, and celery. Top it off with this delicious dressing: honey mustard, apple cider vinegar, salt, and pepper, in amounts that cater to your pallet. Letting it sit for a few hours just enhances the taste.

What else can I say? I don’t write as often on my blog in English because I have to keep up with what I’m doing in Spanish and Swedish. But when I receive a comment about blessing someone with my simple thoughts, it just wants to make me be like the “Energizer-Bunny” and keep going, and going, and going.

I’m saving the best for last. We had a Mother-Daughter time Saturday afternoon. We left the kids with my son-in-law and went shopping. What did we get? Clothes for the kids, of course! What else do mothers buy?! I also found some inspiring plaques for my new home when I soon retire. I’ll have to write my thoughts about that at a later time. Let me just leave you with the quotes that are on the plaques:

 Today well lived makes every
yesterday a memory of happiness
and every tomorrow a vision of hope.

Having somewhere to go is HOME.
Having someone to love is FAMILY.
Having both is a BLESSING.


How can I ever thank God that I have both a home and a family? I’m happy all over, teeth and all!

Don't forget the carrots!