My Future is Safe

I was reminded once again that my future is safe. I have been pointing out lately the importance of trusting God. A week ago I sent out and SOS email to all my friends in Springfield asking if anybody knew a painter. I didn’t know that my friend Susy’s husband has a Rent-A-Husband business. Come to find out he does all kinds of house maintenance. He was the first one to answer, so he got the job. Today I got the news that my house is freshly painted. (Contact me if you need his services!) This will either help to sell the house or make potential renters happy to move in to a house that pops!

In this “trusting” journey that I’m on, I had a very visual reminder while driving down a Florida road. Yes, but the picture was taken on a parked car! Isn’t it cool to have a licence plate proclaiming who you trust in?!

The picture to illustrate my security about the future was taken “on the run” or maybe I should say “on the drive.” There is some irony in the whole matter. I was on my way to some friends for dinner; the sun was setting. It made me think of the glorious day when there will be no sunset. Arriving at my friend’s house, a neighbor gave them the sad news that her husband, a man in his early forties,  just passed away. My friends had talked to him a couple of days ago; now he had crossed the threshold to eternity. The big, sad question on our minds is, “Was he ready?”

I am so blessed to have the full assurance that God holds my future. My thoughts and prayers have been with the young widow that so suddenly was left alone to cope with life. I had some warning when I was widowed because my husband was very sick, but it was still a shock. We never know what the future holds, but what a comfort to trust in the God that holds the future.

A treat today was to visit Christian Life Center, the church we used to attend when we lived in Florida. I hadn’t been there for 15 years. The new building was impressive. I had very painfully found my way to the church, driven for half an hour with aching feet, not found a parking space close to the entrance, and painfully made my way to one of the doors to the sanctuary, but since I was a little late, I was not allowed to walk in until the choir finished singing. I was blessed that some kind ladies took pity on me and helped me past a “strict” usher. I could sit down and enjoy a wonderful service. God bless the “understanding” ladies!

My friends Harold and Betty Calkins took me to dinner by the sea, but I didn’t really get to enjoy the sea. The apostle Paul talked about seeing things as through a glass. I saw the sea through glass! At least I got a picture. It was raining hard when we left the restaurant so there was no point in driving down to the beach. I’m glad I got to see the sea, if only through a glass.

Let me finish my tale of the day with some pictures from my church experience of the year. Interestingly, the sermon was by Pastor Yeary.

The keeper of the keys (check the hand). Ophelia, Mrs. Senior Pastor.


Great choir. Powerful music. Blended right in with the message on Worship.

 Rev.  Max Yeary that has pastored the church for over 30 years.

Bible, notepad, and pencil in hand, the best way to listen to a sermon.

A beautiful little girl, behaved like a princess the whole service.

Signing off. I had a great experience at Christian Life Center.

Author: kelund

My name is Kerstin Anderas-Lundquist. I was born in Sweden to Per & Brita Anderas, on March 6, 1946. In 1948 we left to begin a missionary life in Chile; in 1956 we moved on to Peru. On May 1, 1969 I married an all-Swedish guy from Karslkrona: Bengt Göran Emanuel Lundquist. God blessed us with two daughters: Eva-Marie Elizabeth and Ruth Carina. We served as missionaries in Peru and Bolivia. In 1988 we moved to the United States to work at Life Publishers in Miami, Florida. I was to assist in developing the line of Sunday School Curriculum in Spanish known as Vida Nueva. I am now retired and live in Oklahoma. My husband and daughter Eva-Marie have been promoted to Heaven. Carina and her family live some 15 minutes away. I publish Bible lessons and stories for children in Spanish, for free download. My deepest desire is to spread the “seed of love”–inspiration to serve God and our neighbors with love and compassion. You can find English stories at

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