Let There be Light!

My friend and co-worker in Costa Rica is in the dark! I wish I had the power to whisk a wand and declare, “Let there be light!” He has done a big advertising job and is waiting for payment. In the meantime he has not been able to pay his bill and the electricity has been cut off. The people he did the job for are not being fair to him!

I’m sure those people that owe him money are enjoying a weekend in the light! Why are we so careless with one another? Have you seen the little monkeys that reminds us how we should live? My granddaughter Brianna will do a demonstration for you.

Hear no evil

Hear no evil, see no evil, speak, no evil. To that I would like to add:DO NO EVIL!

Here are some ABC’ to help us remember some instruction for living. I published them in September 2011, but I have many new readers since then, and I’m sure it doesn’t hurt us to review them. The writer of Hebrews says, “…spur one another on toward love and good deeds…” (Hebrews 10:24).

I wish I could “spur” somebody to pay what they owe my friend so he could have light again. He can’t use his PC and he can’t be on the internet. Let there be light in Costa Rica! I’m going to visit Money Gram on Monday. I can’t leave him in the dark!

Now, let’s practice some ABC’s!

A lways accept an outstretched hand.
B e available for people who need you.
C ompliment someone every day.
D on’t expect life to be fair, but know that God is good.
E nrich others by your positive and enthusiastic attitude.
F orgive yourself and others.
G ive generously to worthy causes, especially for “missions.”
H ave a firm handshake.
I nasmuch as it depends on you, live in peace with everyone.
J esus should be all in all in your life.
K eep secretes and keep your promises.
L eave everything a little better than you found it.
M ake new friends but cherish the old ones.
N ever waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them.
O vertip, especially a busy waitress.
P ray about everything.
Q uickly recognize, “I made a mistake!”
R eturn things you borrow, and in good condition.
S trive for excellence, not perfection.
T reat everyone you meet like you would like to be treated.
U nderstand where others are coming from.
V oice your opinions, but respect what others have to say.
W atch what goes in your mouth, but even more what comes out of it!
‘X cell in doing good!
Y ield to God and make him FIRST in everything.
Z oom in on the little pleasures of life.

Pray with me that this problem with my friend in Costa Rica be resolved quickly.

Let there be light!