In Honor of Godly Parents

I just realized that on a day like this sixty-five years ago my parents got married. That was a beginning for what would be my life. I decided I needed to honor the memory of a godly mother and at the same time pay tribute to my godly father. I talked to my stepmother to get her approval. She was my mother’s friend for many years, so she doesn’t mind.

My parents, Brita and Per Anderås, were married in Örebro, Sweden on March 31, 1945. Standing by my mother is her sister, Gull. The flower girl is my cousin Gunilla. The boy’s name is Robert, a foster child in Mom’s home.

When I came along, as an “after the War” child, we became a family. My young parents were preparing for missionary ministry in the country of Chile. I was two years old when we went there.

The family grew. Ingrid, Agneta and Pepito were born in Chile. In 1954 we returned to Sweden for a year. This picture was taken in 1955, before we returned to South America, but this time to Peru.

Seven years later we were welcomed back to our home church. That’s what the banner says, “Welcome Home.” By then the family had the latest addition, little brother Lasse, born in Peru. My parents were the first Swedish missionaries to go to Peru, and they ministered in Arequipa and Tarma, both cities in the Andes Mountains. To help pay for out schooling in an American School for missionary kids, my mother worked as house mother. In that school we learned English.

We dressed in native costumes for our missionary services. It wasn’t something we enjoyed but our audiences did. The guy with the spear is my brother Pepe that is a surgeon living in Wisconsin. The little guy has been an aviator missionary in Bolivia and is now director of a humanitarian organization based in Sweden. Us “girls” are mothers and grandmothers, and on the side one is a medical doctor, the other one is a chef and tourism guide for trips to Peru, and then there’s “Yours truly,” the blogger!

“Honor your father and your mother” is a command I know my parents have kept and they have enjoyed the promise: “that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.” There are also promises of blessing for being mindful of the poor. That is something else I want to honor about my parents. There is no house to inherit, no jewelry, no prized possessions, no money in the bank. They have given everything away to help people in need. That is an inheritance I appreciate. That is a legacy that I cherish.

I don’t have words enough to thank God for the 65 years since it all started. What a privilege to have godly parents. 5 children, 19 grandchildren, and 21 great-grandchildren, that’s not bad!

My mother is not here to receive that thanks. Someone has taken her place. I talked to my step-mother yesterday to thank her for taking care of my father. She does a superb job. It’s interesting when one of your best friends becomes your step-mother. God sure works in mysterious ways!


We all leave footprints. For those of us that are parents, no heritage can be better for our children than that of a godly home. How can I ever express my thanks for the great inheritance I have? Maybe the best way is to pass it on!

Divine Prescription for Anxiety

America is the land of the pills! There are pills for everything. You go to the supermarket and there is a special “pill” section. The big question is this:

On March 27th I wrote a little tribute to my daughter Eva-Marie. The above is a sample of the pills she had to take–for her lungs, for asthma, for diabetes, for fibromyalgia, for Menier’s, for… whatever! You name it, she had it! So, I am pretty familiar with pills.

One of the “pills,” which cannot be photographed, was her lifeline, and that is the prescription I want to pass on to you. We used to “take it” together in the evenings. You might have guessed it by now. It’s called prayer!

Like E.M. Bounds says,  it “is the divinely prescribed remedy for all anxious cares, for all worry, for all inward fretting.”

The prescription is found in Philippians 4:4-7.

4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Let me break it down in some easy to swallow nuggets.

          1. Rejoice!
          2. Be gentle.
          3. Do not be anxious about anything.
          4. In everything… PRAY!

The result: The peace of God will keep your heart and your mind focused on Jesus.

“Prayer about everything can quiet every distraction, hush every anxiety, and lift every care.” (Bounds)

Try this prescription today. You don’t even have to make a trip to the drug store to get it. Just do it! JUST PRAY!

The Most Powerful Prayer

Maybe you consider Elijah’s prayer for fire from heaven the most powerful prayer. Or when he prayed and it didn’t rain for three and a half years, and then he prayed again and it rained.

The first powerful prayer recorded in Scripture is Abraham’s intercession for Sodom and Gomorrah, when he pleaded several times for God not to destroy those cities. He stopped at ten, asking that for the sake of ten righteous people living in those cities God would not execute his judgment. But there were not even ten!

Jacob prayed a powerful prayer the night before he was to meet Esau, returning from his twenty years of exile. “I will not let you go unless you bless me,” was the cry from a heart that desperately needed God’s help. O, that we would hold on to the Lord in prayer and not let go until we have the blessing we are asking for!

Moses, leading the Israelites through the dessert had to recur constantly to prayer; sometimes he would fall flat on his face before God. His most desperate prayer was when the people had made themselves gods of gold. “But now, please forgive their sin — but if not, then blot me out of the book you have written” (Ex 32: 32).

A humble and desperate prayer was that of Hannah asking God for a son, and offering to give that son back to God. She kept her promise when God gave her Samuel, and then the Lord was gracious to her and gave her three more sons and two daughters. Talk about a powerful prayer! And it didn’t come from a prophet or a king but from the weeping heart of a woman that was ridiculed because she was barren.

We have many of King David’s prayers recorded in the Book of Psalms. Here are some that impress my heart:

Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me
and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.

Who can discern his errors? Forgive my hidden faults…
May the words of my mouth and the meditation
 of my heart be pleasing in your sight (19:12-14)

Keep me as the apple of your eye;
hide me in the shadow of your wings.
(Ps 17:8)

I desire to do your will, O my God;
your law is within my heart.
(Ps 40:8)

As the deer pants for streams of water,
so my soul pants for you, O God.
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God…
(See Ps 42:1-6)

Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer.
From the ends of the earth I call to you,
I call as my heart grows faint;
lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
(See Ps 61:1-4) 

Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior,
who daily bears our burdens.
(Ps 68:19)

What do you think of David’s son Solomon’s prayer? What if God said to you, “Ask me for whatever you want me to give you”? What would you ask for? That’s worth pondering! Because he asked for wisdom, God gave him much more: wisdom, riches, and honor.

The extremely tested man, Job, was restored and blessed far above the blessings he had before his great trial. When? How? When he prayed for his friends! Now that is a powerful prayer: to pray for our friends.

I think one of the ingredients in powerful prayers are tears. In thinking of the condition of his people, Jeremiah cries out: “Oh, that my head were a spring of water and my eyes a fountain of tears! I would weep day and night for the slain of my people” (Jer 9:1).

Daniel, a man that prayed three times a day turned towards Jerusalem, had to spend the night in a lions’ den because of this practice. But how many get to sleep with lions whose mouths have been shut by angels?

Jesus most powerful and intense prayer was in the Garden of Gethsemane when he was praying about taking on the sins of the world and going to the cross. The intensity made him sweat drops of blood.

Mary and Martha learned that a disappointment can turn into a HIS-appointment. Just like we do many times, they put the “IF” in their speech. When Jesus arrives “late” at their request, and their brother Lazarus is already buried, both of them have the same thing to say, “Lord, if you had been here my brother would not have died.” Our “ifs” amount to nothing when God answers our prayer at “His time” and in “His way”!

The Early Church prayed some powerful prayers. Stephen, the first martyr of the Christian Church, while being stoned, paved the way for millions to come with these historic words, “Lord do not hold this sin against them.”

We find a powerful prayer by the believers after Peter and John had been threatened not to speak or teach in the name of Jesus, “Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus” (Acts 4:29-30).

In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians we have an extraordinary example of his powerful prayers. He prays that the believers be rooted and established in love, that they may grasp the vastness of the love of Christ, and that they may “be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” (See Eph 3:14-19.)

In a message I heard today the preacher said, “We need less theology and more knee-ology!”  That is what got me thinking about prayer and powerful prayers. What would be my most powerful prayer? The same as the disciples asked Jesus:

“Lord, teach me to pray!”


Celebrating my First-Born

Forty years ago today was a looong and laborious Friday. In fact, it was what in Swedish is called Långfredag which actually means a long Friday. I like the name in English better: Good Friday! When all was said and done, it was a good Friday. That day, March 27th 1970, my daughter Eva-Marie was born. 

As a young mother I had so many dreams and expectations. As far back as I can remember I had wanted to be a mother. It started out as a long, laborious Friday… it turned out to be a long laborious 30+ years. I am not going to repeat myself since I have written about it before, but I want to honor her memory by posting some pictures. The laborious life was due to cystic fibrosis. 

Just big enough to be carried in a basket!
She spent her first years in Huancayo, Peru
"Pretend Preacher" that wanted to be a real one!
Eva-Marie loved to teach children about Jesus.
She loved dolls. Here she is with her "twin"
Christian Romance was her passion. Here together with one of her favorite authors, Tracy Peterson.
One in a long line of respiratory therapists.
Eva-Marie together with her beloved Peruvian young people.
My two girls in costumes from Huancayo.
Eva-Marie getting her shoes shined.
A Glamour Shot in Florida.
Smulan, Eva's best friend and companion during many lonesome years.
Family picture a few days before she was called home.
Eva-Marie's soul was set free to be healthy and happy forever. Her body rested in a beautiful casket.

I’m getting to the end of this day of remembrance. I am richer because of a beautiful angel God entrusted me with for 31 years. We had our ups and downs–who doesn’t? But the last few years of her life we grew very close — in friendship, in fellowship, in prayer. How I wish I could have just another chat with her. 

What would we talk about? I’d tell her all about her sister and the wonderful man of God she has married. I’d tell her about David, that looks a lot like her when she was a little girl. I’d tell her about Lana, that reminds her mother so much about Eva. We’d talk about my best friend Brianna, that is just as loving as her aunt Eva. And I’d tell her about little Sarah, the all-smiles girl! 

There won’t be any talk here on earth, but such a precious hope we have of meeting again. When I get there we’ll have lots to catch up on. And Eva-Marie will show me around and introduce me to all her friends. If she was friendly and outgoing on earth, how much more in our eternal home! 

If you want to read more about Eva-Marie check this blog

I’ll close with one of my favorite pictures of me and my first-born. 

No One Slips Through the Cracks

My Bible reading this morning overwhelmed me. I know the magnitude of God’s love. I’ve lived in His Love as long as I can remember, but it will take eternity to grasp the vastness of it.

In his largeness
nothing gets lost;
No man, not a mouse,
slips through the cracks.

That’s it!

I need to go to work, but I just wanted to leave you with this thought to meditate one. As Beth Moore says, “If you worry, you know how to meditate!” So, instead of worrying today, let the greatness of God’s love invade your thoughts.

Remember, not even a mouse slips through the cracks. He knows you by name, he loves you, he even has the hairs of your head numbered. I don’t know how he does it with those who are bald, but I guess he counts the roots!

Bask in God’s exquisite love,
now and forever!

One is More than None

A friend commented on my blog #150, the one about 39,000 percent return on the dollar. He wished I had thousands of readers. I wish that, too!

There is a blogger that calls herself Pioneer Woman. Four years after starting her tales she has 2 million readers. I read about someone that forwarded a video to a friend, who sent it to a friend, who… About 15 million friends later, the person in the video was a sensation.

These are the kinds of things I ponder, wishing something like that could happen to me for the sake of the Gospel. But I’m just me! I’m just one! I don’t  have thousands of readers. But if I only bless one person by writing these blogs, it’s worth more than all the world.

           I’m only one,
           But without me,
           There would be none (to write this blog!).
           I’ll do my best
           And not worry about results
           Because God will do the rest.
           Whatever years I have left
           I’m putting in His hands.
           I’m ready to use all my energy
           To obey his heavenly commands.
           Here I come, World, watch out!
           I might just be one, but
           I’ll do what I can to spread the “Seed of Love”
           Hoping to one day hear the words,  “Well done!”
           I’m only one,
           But that’s more than none!

Whatever you can do, do it with all your might, with a heart full of love for Jesus. When He called Peter to folow him and to feed his lambs, Peter wanted to know about John. “Don’t you worry about John,” said Jesus. “You follow me!”

Don’t you worry about what others are doing. Just do what God has put on your heart. Love Him with all your being. If he has only given you one talent, multiply that one!

One is more than none!

From Sun to Snow

Springfield, Missouri weather is funny. If you are here and don’t like it, we’ll just tell you to wait a day or two and see what happens. Two days ago the sun was shining, the birds were singing, the wind was warm and inviting, my heart was skipping some extra beats because my feet were not hurting so bad.

Guess what?! The sun hid around the corner and gave the snow free breathing room. Saturday night Old Man Winter was back. Here is a picture of my back yard table.

This morning, looking out my bedroom window wasn’t very inviting.

My daughter called and they had the same thing going in Oklahoma. Church was cancelled, a good thing, because they have a steep hill to get to their house. I guess they would have managed to get down the hill, but to drive up would have been another story.

Here are some pictures from sunny last week.

David. But more than playing he was doing math. He loves math!

This is Lana way up in the sky!

Here is my best friend Brianna smiling away!

Last but not least comes Sarah. She can count her fingers and she knows some of her colors. May 8th she will turn two!

This is the slide reserved for Sarah when she comes to visit. She could have used it Friday but not the way it was this morning!

This is typical for Missouri and Oklahoma. One day the sun is shining. The next day the snow is falling.

So here is the sign! Some people have asked me where I plan to move. Maybe I should get away from the snow and go to Florida. But then, who would spoil the kids rotten? Isn’t that a grandmother’s job? I think I’ll stick with it and move to Oklahoma.

A 39,000 Percent Investment

This is my 150th post! I am dedicating it to honor a ministry that is worth its weight in gold!

To find out that one of my “investments” last year yielded 39,000% per dollar made my heart skip a few extra beats. That means that the value of the $300 dollars invested turned out to be almost $120,000!

This is not the only return. I invested here on earth, but at the same time it was sent on ahead to my Treasure Chest in Heaven. Let me explain.

There is this awesome radio and television ministry based in Costa Mesa, California, founded by Hermano Pablo, an Assemblies of God missionary, and directed by Charles Stewart, the man I consider responsible for bringing me to the States. He was the Editor in Chief when I was accepted to work at Life Publishers in Florida.

The main focus is the broadcast of Spanish 4-minute programs called “A Message to the Conscience.” In 2009 this program was broadcast more than 5,600 times each day in 33 countries where there are Spanish-speaking stations. The program is also viewed on the Internet.

The reason my investment had such an awesome return is that this ministry did not pay for the airtime received, which amounted to more than 111 million dollars!

The darker the shading, the more broadcasts of this program

“The popularity of the program over the past 45 years is a phenomenal success story in media. Radio and television stations (both secular and religious) broadcast it at no cost because they say it has improved their ratings. Their audiences love it and want to hear it every day.” (from “A Message to the Conscience” Newsletter)

I have loved this program since I was a young missionary in Peru. When I decided to support it by making a monthly donation I had no clue of the great return in dollars and cents that I would receive. Of course, my main goal was to do my part to help spread the Gospel.

Go to to find out more about this ministry. I hope you will find it in your heart to make an investment that will bring you 39,000% in return. That doesn’t count the value of people that come to know the Lord through this media. There is no price-tag on a soul. One soul rescued for eternity is worth more than all the riches this world has to offer.

“For whoever wants to save his life will lose it,
but whoever loses his life  for me and for the gospel will save it.
What good is it for a man to gain the whole world,
yet forfeit his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange
for his soul?”
(Mark 8:35-38)

Spring is on the Way

I have felt like this stone for quite some time now. “Please, turn me over!” Let spring be here! Let the birds start singing! Let the sun shine! Let me get out of the house!

As I always do for my lunch break, I checked the mail box. Empty! That seldom happens. There is always some junk mail or some bills that need to be paid. Letters with snail mail are few. Most of my friends have email. But I have two faithful friends that use the old fashion way to communicate. One is Anita in Sweden that has been writing me since 1965. Thanks to her I keep up with the happenings in my birth town Örebro.

My other friend is Iris in Delray Beach, Florida. We met her at the Hispanic Ministry in First Assembly of God in Boca Raton when my husband was the pastor of the group. Since the hurricane that hit that area in 2006 her apartment has been unlivable and just recently she could move back. Talk about a big trial for a lady in her eighties! We write back and forth and I send her print-outs of my blogs since she doesn’t have a computer.

Nothing from Anita, nothing from Iris. Nothing… NADA! But the sun was shining! I decided to venture out in my chair. Not such an easy thing to manuever. Downhill is easy. Uphill I use it as a walker. Neighbors might wonder what I’m doing but if I can get out and get some sun, it doesn’t matter what anybody thinks!

It was a short walk; just one block. But I got to see the first sign of spring, the birds held a concert for me, and the sun warmed me from top to bottom.

That “turn-over” felt good! It’s amazing what a little sun, some bright yellow flowers, and birds singing in the leafless trees can do!

I left Soledad inside listening to Inspirational Gospel Music. (See blog “Loneliness Hurts” if you haven’t met Soledad.)

The forecast has some snow in it for the weekend. We’re still in March so that can well be. But at least I’ve had a taste of spring. “Thanks, that feels great!”

The Wonder of the World

Machu Picchu has been voted as one of the seven modern wonders of the world. I “stole” this picture from my sister’s web site. She and her husband do tours in Peru. See I have to warn you that the text is in Swedish.

But it’s not this “wonder” I’m referring to. The Wonder of the World, and the Universe for that matter, is THE LOVE OF GOD.

I was meditating on this early this morning in my Bible reading. Read Psalm 31 in The Message and you will get the point. God’s love is the wonder of the world! The psalmist says he is “leaping and singing in the circle of God’s love.”

I started drawing a picture on the canvas of my mind. Then I went to my computer and sketched the following:

Here I am, in the circle of God’s love. His love surrounds me. Any way I turn, there is his love. Anything that wants to get to me has to bypass his love. Whatever hits me is shielded by his love. I can go on and on… I’m in the circle. Such an awesome place to be!

In Psalm 103 it says that GOD WRAPS ME IN HIS GOODNESS. That is another word picture. O, to be wrapped in God’s love and goodness!

Jeremiah saw it this way, “[God’s] stockpiles of loyal love are immense.” See Lamentations chapter 3.

No wonder this love is the Wonder of the World! You take it from here. Start meditating on this “wonder” and see what pictures come to your mind. And leap for joy, sing to your heart’s content. There is no end to God’s stockpiles of love. Whatever your need is today, He is more than enough!